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  • A Firing—The Usual Story

    The December firing was originally planned for late October or November, but things conspired to keep it from happening. Finally the fire was lit in mid December. The weather was cool but nice for firing. It does take a little more wood to get the kiln to 2300° F, but the key factor is that […]

  • M.I.C.Fes Presentation, 2006

    James KASPER (USA) First, I want to thank all the people who have worked so hard to make M.I.C.Fes a great event. Second, I want to express my appreciation to my fellow artists here for making this an educational and inspiring workshop. It is wonderful to see how all of these individual life experiences show […]

Recent Posts (Masonry Style)

  • A Firing—The Usual Story

    The December firing was originally planned for late October or November, but things conspired to keep it from happening. Finally the fire was lit in mid December. The weather was cool but nice for firing. It does take a little more wood to get the kiln to 2300° F, but the key factor is that […]

  • M.I.C.Fes Presentation, 2006

    James KASPER (USA) First, I want to thank all the people who have worked so hard to make M.I.C.Fes a great event. Second, I want to express my appreciation to my fellow artists here for making this an educational and inspiring workshop. It is wonderful to see how all of these individual life experiences show […]

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  • Curabitur id orci eget leo venenatis pretium. Integer eleifend sem in leo posuere ac bibendum eros nulla tincidunt solo adipiscing elit.